
[Freebie] WordPress Image Hover Plugin

3 images showing the different hovers offered in this free plugin and the WordPress logo

Following on with the previous post: 9 Free Hover Effects with CSS3 Transitions , I developed this Free WordPress image hover plugin. Simply, install it through an easy to use shortcode, as described below. Go ahead and download this freebie to give your WordPress images a unique style.

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src:  Add your image link , preffered images to be square  --- {default: ""} 

size:  Write number to be the width and height for this image  --- {default: "250"}

overlay  style1 , style2 , none  --- {default: style1}

center_link  Add link for center icon  --- {default: ""}

center_animation  slide , scale  --- {default: slide}

center_icon  link , share  --- {default: link}

top_left_link  Add link for top left icon  --- {default: ""}

prettyphoto  Add image link or leave empty to be off  --- {default: off}


[cr_image src="https://creiden.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/8.jpg" overlay="style1" center_link="themes.creiden.com/circleflip/" center_animation="slide" center_icon="link"]

[cr_image src="https://creiden.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/8.jpg" overlay="style1" center_link="themes.creiden.com/circleflip/" center_animation="scale" center_icon="link"]

[cr_image src="https://creiden.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/8.jpg" overlay="style2" center_link="themes.creiden.com/circleflip/" center_animation="scale" center_icon="share" prettyphoto="https://creiden.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/8.jpg" top_left_link="themes.creiden.com/circleflip/"]

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