Website Project Enquiry - eCommerce We would love to hear from you! Please fill out this form and we will get in touch with you shortly. PurposeThis is your opportunity to tell us why you need a website and what the website should achieve. The more information you give us here, the better the solution we will be able to provide. Ignore any questions that are not relevant.What’s the name of your company?What does your company do? What are the products and services you offer?* 1. Is the purpose of the website only ecommerce, or will there be pages supporting other aspects of the business?* Do you have budget allocated for this project?*Project Budget$3K - $5K$5K - $10K$10K - $20K$20000+Roughly how many different productsWill these products or services be separated into different categories or subcategories?*Do you have existing art work for your products?PhotosWill you be shipping product?*Do you have an existing merchant account or online payment gateway?*Do you need your eCommerce store to integrate with any other existing systems?*a. Accounting system b. Inventory system c. Client management system d. Marketing communications system Do you require your site to be multilingual?*The more you list and describe them, the better estimate we can provide. Do you require us to import or migrate old data to your new site? Where are you hosting your eCommerce site, or do you need hosting?* What are your expectations for the design theme or unique design?* Do your competitors have websites? If so, list them here so we can make sure yours is better 🙂*